Silver Jubilee is indeed a momentous landmark for any institution as it symbolizes the growth, development and accomplishments achieved through years of hard work, sincere dedication and strong commitment despite many difficult and challenging situations in all the preceding years.

Nabon Women’s Synod College celebrated its Silver Jubilee on the 16th of December, 2021 with great enthusiasm, excitement and exuberance. The motto of the Jubilee Celebration was “Growing Stronger, Deeper and Reaching Higher”. On this auspicious occasion, the College thanked God for the favour that He has bestowed, for the constant guidance He has shown and for the countless blessings the students have received through the College during these past 25 glorious years of meritorious service to the cause of education.

The dignitaries present on the dias were the Chief Guest, Shri. Lahkmen Rymbui, Hon’ble Education Minister, Government of Meghalaya, the Guest of Honour, Shri. Adelbert Nongrum, MLA, North Shillong Constituency, Rev. P. Hynniewta – Moderator KJP Synod Sepngi and President Governing Body of the College, Rev D. Rymbai – Moderator KJP Assembly, Rev K. B. Snaitang Executive Secretary KJP Synod Sepngi, Rev L. Nongsiej, Ex-President Governing Body, Prof. R. N. K Hooroo, Professor in NEHU, Zoology Department and Member of the Governing Body, a number of dignitaries from the KJP Assembly and KJP Synod Sepngi (Sponsoring Body) and members of the Governing Body both past and present. The Celebration was also attended by invited guests, as well as teachers (past and present), the Alumni and students of the College.

The momentous occasion commenced with the dedication and thanksgiving by Rev. P. Hynniewta, Moderator KJP Synod Sepngi and President of the Governing Body of the College. The welcome address was delivered by Mrs. E. C. Blah, the Principal of the College. While warmly welcoming the gathering she also highlighted in brief the 25 years journey of the College. A heartfelt welcome was also extended by the College choir who enthralled the audience with their melodious notes by singing the song “Great is thy faithfulness”. Further, to mark the Silver Celebration, a commemorative plaque was unveiled by the Chief Guest Shri. Lahkmen Rymbui, Hon’ble Education Minister, Government of Meghalaya.

Prof. R. N. K Hooroo, member of the Governing Body shared a few words on women’s education and significance of women empowerment in uplifting the nation.

On behalf of the KJP Synod Sepngi (Sponsoring Body), the Executive Secretary, Rev. K. B. Snaitang focussed upon the fact that since Nabon Women’s Synod College is striving to set itself firmly on its aspiration to serve the pressing need of the student community, its requirement for financial assistance for its development purposes is numerous. He therefore appealed to the Government for financial assistance in any form for the development of the College.

The spectacular event captivated the audience with the cultural programme showcasing the diverse ethnic attire of the Khasi and Jaintia tribes presented by the NSS students of the College.

Shri. Adelbert Nongrum, MLA North Shillong Constituency lauded and appreciated the services rendered by the College management and staff towards the all round development of this prestigious institution and encouraged them to continue the good work with more zeal and dedication. He further encouraged the students to make best use of the education they receive and to work hard in order to achieve their goals in life.

The Silver Jubilee Souvenir “Argentum” was released by Rev. D. Rymbai, Moderator KJP Assembly which is an expression of congratulatory messages of all well-wishers and an expression of creativity of teachers and students.

After the release of the Souvenir the students of the College performed the Chad Sukra which is a community festival celebrated every year by the Pnar people of Jaintia Hills in Meghalaya.

Shri. Lahkmen Rymbui, Hon’ble Education Minister, Government of Meghalaya in his address showered blessings on the College and all those who are instrumental in making it reach greater heights. He congratulated the College for its dedicated services towards the student community especially towards the marginally less privileged sections of society. He further praised the KJP Synod Sepngi, the Sponsoring Body of the College for taking the initiative to set up a College meant exclusively for women. He further encouraged the students to become self-reliant particularly in employment generation and not to be dependent on the government to provide them with jobs. Further he pointed out that people usually have high regards towards those people employed in government offices but do not give due credit to innovative entrepreneurs.

Finally, the Jubilee Celebration was concluded with the singing of the College Anthem and the vote of thanks was delivered by Mrs. F. Ryntathiang, Head of Department, Department of History followed by prayer and benediction by Rev. L. Nongsiej, Ex-President, Governing Body of the College.




(MATTHEW 11: 29)