Academic Council

The Academic Council was constituted on 2nd November 2021. It is the apex academic body entrusted with the responsibility of maintaining the standards of teaching, education and examination within the institution. It has also been given the authority to advice on all academic matters and it is also responsible for exercising general supervision over the academic work of the institution with the sole purpose of bringing about coordination in the internal working of the institution so as to ensure uniformity and conformity to the standard of conduct

Objectives of the Academic Council
• To make arrangements for the conduct of examination.
• To develop teaching methods.
• To make regulations regarding the admission of students.
• To initiate measures for improving quality of teaching and student’s evaluation.
• To make regulations for sports and other extra- curricular activities.
• To present awards, prizes and medals and frame regulations for the award of the same.
• To frame the various code of conduct so as to ensure discipline within the institution.
• To recommend and develop strategies of teaching and research, student’s support, quality assurance as well as student’s progression and work towards ensuring     student’s learning outcomes.



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