A one day orientation programme was organized on the 27th of May 2022 by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Nabon Women’s Synod College. The programme was organized with the intention to acquaint all the teaching and non-teaching fraternity of the college in relation to the NAAC Assessment and Accreditation preparation.

The programme started with an introduction and a welcome speech by Mrs. F. Ryntathiang (Assistant Professor Department of History) followed by the felicitation of our guest speakers Dr. Kamailang Nongmalieh and Mr. KlurManik Syiem both are Assistant Professors in Sohra Government College.

The first session of the programme was being presided by one of our guest speakers Dr. Kamailang Nongmalieh in which we were all being familiarized with the NAAC Assessment process. One thing that is worth mentioning here is that both the guest speakers were giving us so much encouragement that even though we know in our hearts that the task at hand would be very difficult but hearing from them and taking into consideration the pros and cons of the entire process we feel that it is not something which is unattainable but if we put our heads together we can accomplishanything that we have in mind. Dr. Kamailang reflected his profound knowledge on the matter and was referring to his own College, Sohra Government College for our reference and in getting some motivation in proceeding with the work. He also gave us some insights and he shed some light regarding the seven criteria which also serves as guidelines and which gives us a sense of direction in achieving our target.

The second session of the programme was shared by Shri. KlurManik Syiem and he also reiterated the fact that it is a joint effort and not the work of a few he also spoke at length on the criteria which have to be focused and in which due emphasis should be laid on each criteria and their sub-components. To highlight his discourse he clearly indicates the need towards taking heed on each and every sub-components pertaining to the different criteria that requires due attention without which we cannot expect to progress. He also made a mention on the distinctiveness of our college being a women’s college and a college which caters to students coming from poor family background.

He also recommend on the mentor-mentee system which aims towards bringing about improvement in the teaching learning process, he further said that having a grievance cell is mandatory in order that the student needs and interests are being addressed. Student’s feedback is also a part and parcel of the process in which questionnaires have to be prepared in getting feedback from students. One point which he clearly mentioned is how to mobilize the resources, when it comes to information technology he also stress on the need to have access to e-resources by students and teachers in the library.
An interactive concourse ignited the inquisitiveness of both the teaching and non-teaching staff which clearly and vividly indicates their commitment towards achieving their goal.

The informative session culminated with an assurance from the guest speakers that nothing is impossible when allof us join hands and put in our heart and soul in accomplishing our goal.



(MATTHEW 11: 29)