Editorial Committee

The Editorial Committee of Nabon Women’s Synod College was constituted on 2nd November, 2021 with the following members from the English and Khasi Department:

Teacher-in-charge: Mrs.A.Nongkynrih


Mrs. V. W. Laloo.

Miss. K. Khongwir.

Khasi Department.

Mrs T. Malngiang.

Mrs I. Manih.

Mrs R.Lyngdoh.

Mrs. I. Kharsahnoh.

Miss M. Khonglah.

  • The main objective in setting up this Committee is to foster and cater to the creative writing talent of the Teaching Faculty and the students of the college. The Committee members encourage everyone in the College to nurture and improve their ability and creativity in the art of writing. It also aims to publish the College magazine “ The Pioneer “ every year with contribution of the original work from both the staff and the students. However, contributions from other sources too will be accepted and published . In the long run ,the aim is to continuously encourage and inspire everyone especially our young students to get their work published even outside  of the College so that they will eventually become great writers, poets, playwrights and novelists in the future.



(MATTHEW 11: 29)