Outreach Cell Committee

The Outreach Cell Committee was formed on 2nd November 2021.

The Members comprised of:

Chairperson – Principal

Secretary Member- Miss. L. Lyngdoh


Miss. S. G. Sohliya

Miss V. W. Lsloo.

Mrs. I. Kharsohnoh.

 Miss. M. Khonglah.

This Committee was designed to help and encourage the people in their varied productive social network within the community as well as outside the community. Right from its in inception the Committee has collaborated with NSS Unit and the Red Ribbon Club of the College by actively supporting their various outreach programmes.

The NSS Unit has adopted Umjathang Village, Mawsaitkhnam as its community outreach area on January 2017. The first Special Camp was held from 9th to 14th January 2017, the second camp was from 3rd Jan to 8th Jan 2018,the third camp was from 3rd Jan to 9th Jan 2019 and the fourth camp was from 6th to 11thJanuary 2020. Programmes included Cleaning Drive, Awareness on Health and Sanitation, Nutrition, Village Development, Demerits of Early Marriage and Agricultural. Programmes  carried out by the students included the Construction of Public Washing Area, White Washing of Upper Primary Umjathang School and ICDS House. Sports and Games were also conducted  for the children and adults of the village. On the other hand the Red Ribbon  Club  collaborated with the Committee by holding awareness programmes on AIDS and Drugs prevention.

The Committee collaborated with the NSS Unit and the Red Ribbon Club of the College so as to create a partnership between the communities and the educational institution. This will therefore promote civic engagements and strengthen the communities by addressing their social needs.



(MATTHEW 11: 29)