Code of Conduct


  1. All students must have an attendance of 80% to be eligible to sit for the Internal Assessment Test and Final Examinations.
  2. Students who are absent continuously for more than 3 days without prior permission from the Principal will have her name cancelled from the register.
  3. It is mandatory for students to appear for /attend all Tests, Examinations, Seminars, Workshops etc conducted by the College.
  4. Students must not indulge in any unfair means at the time of examination. If anyone is found resorting to unfair means, they shall be expelled. Such students shall not be admitted the following year.
  5. Students are expected to come for their classes in time.
  6. Students should be decent and modest in their way of dressing.
  7. Students are expected to be well behaved and to maintain strict discipline within and outside the College campus.
  8. Students are also expected to maintain cleanliness in the College campus.
  9. Use of Mobile Phones is strictly prohibited inside the College campus.
  10. Chewing of betelnut, gum and tobacco is strictly prohibited.
  11. Students should always wear the college Identity Card provided by the COLLEGE.
  12. Ragging, in any form, physical, verbal and mental is strictly Stern disciplinary action that will result in suspension or expulsion will be taken against any student/students who is/are found indulging or abetting in any form of ragging.




(MATTHEW 11: 29)