Collection of the Library

  • Library Committee:

Nabon Women’s Synod College has constituted the Library Advisory Committee for the smooth and effective functioning of the library headed by the Principal as Convener, Librarian as Member Secretary, all the Heads of different Departments and Library Attendant as the members of the Committee.

  • Library Policy

The library plays a big role in disseminating knowledge to the student community. As such the library has laid down policies with three major goals i.e acquiring the right documents, preserving them and providing access to the same. Therefore, the library plays an important role in providing guidance to the users in using the library facilities.

  • Library Membership

Faculty members and students of the College can become members of the library, only when they enroll themselves by filling up their particulars in the library membership form. Faculty and students members must have Teacher’s Passbook and Students Borrower’s Card so that books can be issued against them.

  • Circulation of Books

Books are circulated to the entire registered library member only. Faculty member/College staff can borrow 6 numbers of books for one month, and students with 2 books for a period of 7 days only. If borrowers want to keep the book beyond the due date they have to bring the book and can renew only once. Books are issued to the users through a book lending register as well as in KOHA Circulation Module.

  • Print Resources

Nabon Women’s Synod College Library is a growing organism. Therefore, the library grows in terms of users and documents, by developing the collection of resources from one academic session to another.

  • Books:- The Library has a collection of about 7000 covering each particular subject of the Arts stream. There are also a considerable amount of reference books such as Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Maps and North East collections. Reference books are not for issued. Users can use reference books only inside the library itself and get the materials photocopied if required in the library photocopying services.
  • Print Journals:- The Library has an annual subscription of Print Journals and is subscribing 18 titles of Print Journals, 2 titles of Magazines and 3 Newspapers (both local and national).
  • Library Timing
  • Monday To Friday – 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
  • Saturday – 8:00 am to 2:00 pm



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