Seminar Committee

The Seminar Committee was constituted on the 2nd November 2021.

The Committee comprised of:

Chairperson: Principal, Mrs. E. C. Blah

Member Secretary: Miss. C.C.L. Thabah


     Miss L. Lyngdoh.

      Mrs. F. Ryntathiang

     Miss. K. Khongwir.

     Mrs. V. W. Laloo

The aim of the Committee is to hold workshops, seminars, conventions etc. so as to enable the students as well as the teaching faculty to update their knowledge in the respective disciplines .The Committee will organize and arrange seminars in the local or national or in the near future in the international platform which will cater to the needs of the changing scenario in the educational process. The Committee also hope that through the seminars the knowledge of the students and the teaching faculty will be enriched.Henceforth a spirit of research and enquiry will be aspired thereby initiating and widening the perspectives of the learning process.



(MATTHEW 11: 29)