The College started its journey with the mission and vision to bring in value based higher education for women that will inspire the students in their selfless and dedicated service to the society accomplishing new heights and moving towards excellence. The broader purpose was to contribute towards the social upliftment and empowerment of women through the promotion of higher education. The College has since then committed itself to provide quality education at an affordable cost to the girls and women coming from the financially marginalised strata of society.

While achieving academic excellence is our goal, the College is also committed to prepare students for their life-work as responsible citizens of society and to train them to face and overcome the challenges of the future. Further, the College not only educate the students to be self-reliant by equipping them with skills and knowledge but also empower them to make use of the acquired knowledge and skills to the utmost benefit of society.

The reputation the College has established itself over the years is due to the selfless commitment and dedication of the KJP Synod Sepngi which is the Sponsoring Body, the Governing Body, teaching and non-teaching faculty and the students. This fact has enabled the College to earn the confidence of not only the students who came to have themselves enrolled in the College but also earn the respect and high hopes of their parents who confidently send their daughters to study in this institution.

Nabon Women’s Synod College is a pioneer in fostering women’s education in this part of the city whose role in the educational well-being and upliftment of women is of immense value and significance.

E.C. Blah




(MATTHEW 11: 29)