Historical Note

Nabon Women's Synod College is named after the first Khasi lady, Nabon Kharsawian from Mawmluh village of Hima Sohra, to pioneer education in Khasi Hills. The College was set up on the 1st August 1996 when it was granted the necessary permission from the Directorate of Public Instruction of the State. It was registered under the Societies Registration Act XII of 1983 on the 11th March 1998 and was subsequently affiliated to the North Eastern Hill University in the year 1998. The College has obtained its Permanent Affiliation in the year 2009.

 Article 1. Name of the Institution – Shall be Ka Nabon Women’s Synod College, herein after referred to as the College (a minority religious institution).


Article 2.  Sponsoring Body – The Khasi Jaintia Presbyterian Synod Sepngi shall be the Sponsoring Body of the College.


Article 3.  Aims and Objectives:

  1. To provide education at the College level to young women who wish to have their higher education under Christian auspices.
  2. To provide education which will inspire the students for selfless and dedicated service wherever they may be called in any part of the country.
  3. To provide as far as possible education of a high standard of scholarship and learning and to prepare students for their life-work as responsible citizens of the country.
  4. To provide education which will inspire the Students to formulate Christian attitude towards social, economic, political, educational and moral issues of the country.


Article 4.  Affiliation of the College:

The College shall be affiliated to the North Eastern Hill University.


Article 5. Officers of the College: The College shall have the following officers.

  1. President
  2. Principal and Secretary
  3. Vice-Principal
  4. Treasurer
  5. Accountant


Article 6. Powers and Functions

  1. The President:
  • He shall be elected by the Governing Body from among the members nominated by the Sponsoring Body.
  • He/She shall preside over the governing body meeting and other meetings/functions as arranged by the College from time to time. In his/her absence any other member present may be elected as protem Chairperson.
  1. Principal and Secretary:
  • Shall be the Head of the Institution.
  • The Principal of the College shall be the Secretary of the Governing Body.
  • Shall convene the Governing Body meeting/other meetings if any in consultation with the President.
  • Shall properly maintain a minute book of the Governing Body.
  • Shall be the custodian of all the College properties such as books of accounts, movable and immovable properties, record books, files, assets and liabilities.
  • Shall be responsible over all administrative controls, disciplines at all levels.
  • Shall be generally administer its affairs in accordance with the aims and objects of the College and implement the decisions of the Governing Body.
  • Shall be responsible of all routine matters for the smooth running of the College.
  • Shall have the power to take action deem fit to any teaching, non-teaching staffs for negligence of duties, in-disciplines matters and report to the Governing Body for its final decision.
  • Shall be responsible for maintaining the cordial atmosphere in the College between staffs and students.
  • Shall prepare the detail annual report and place in the Governing Body for approval before sending to the Sponsoring body.
  • Shall be the Joint signatory of all accounts with the Treasurer in the Banks
  • Sign all the books of accounts of the College along with the Treasurer.
  • Shall jointly prepare and present the annual budget with the treasurer at the Governing Body.
  • Shall be responsible to all the official correspondence to the Government,

Universities  any agencies, organisation relating to the College affairs.

  • Shall be overall responsible of College development in terms of infrastructure and others too.
  • Shall be answerable only to the Governing Body and to the Sponsoring Body with the knowledge of the Governing Body or at least the President.
  • The Principal shall sign and execute all documents as authorized from time to time by the Governing Body. He/She shall sue or be sued on behalf of the Governing Body for all officials or legal business proceedings after the approval of the Governing Body.


  • Vice – Principal: Shall assist the Principal or any specific duty /work as assigned by the Principal.
  1. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be honorary in nature
  • Shall be the joint signatory with the Principal in all banks accounts.

(b) Shall be joint signatory in all books of accounts.

(c) Shall jointly prepare the budget along with the Principal before presenting to the Governing Body meeting.

(d) In terms of withdrawal from bank accounts, signature of treasurer is mandatory.

  1. Accountant:

(a) Shall maintain all the books of accounts of the College and place before the Principal and Treasurer for their signature.

(b) Shall be responsible to receive money as well as payments after getting the sanction by the Principal.

(c) Shall be responsible to update all the books of accounts before the audit to be conducted by the External Auditors which mean Chartered Accountant.

(d) Shall prepare the staffs salary on monthly basis.

(e) Shall prepare the financial statement on financial year basis.

(f) Shall be responsible to update the bank accounts from time to time and bring to the notice of the Principal and the Treasurer.

Article 7. The Governing Body: There shall be the governing body of the College with detailed explanation as appended below:


  1. Membership
  2. The President
  3. The Principal and Secretary

iii. The Treasurer to be nominated by the Governing Body.

  1. 3(Three) members to be nominated by the Sponsoring Body.
  2. 2 (Two) to be elected by the staff members as staff representatives.
  3. 2(Two) representatives from North Eastern Hill University.

vii. 1(one) representative from the Directorate of Higher and Technical Education, Government of Meghalaya.

viii. 2(two) members to be nominated by the governing body on its first meeting of every new term.

  1. Executive Secretary in-charge Christian Education Department of the Sponsoring Body.
  2. 1(one) of the Principal from among the Minority Institution under North Eastern Hill University to be nominated by the Governing body on its first meeting of every new term.


  1. Term of the Governing Body: The term of the Governing Body will be three (3) years from the date of approval by the authority concern. In case of vacancy, the appointing authority shall filled in the post as per the quota of that member within a period of 3 (three) months time.


  1. Frequency of the meeting
  2. The Governing body meeting shall meet not less than 2(two) times in a year. Notice shall include the agenda within a period of 14 (Fourteen) days from the date of issue.
  3. Emergent meeting may be convened on short notice in consultation with the President.

iii. In case of default, 6 (six) members may advise the President and the Principal being the Secretary to convene the meeting with proper and rightful agenda affecting the College.

  1. Decisions of the previous Governing Body meeting shall be circulated to all the members prior to the next meeting or on the day of the meeting itself.


  1. Quorum: One third of the members shall form a quorum.

E. Powers and Functions: The powers and functions of the Governing Body shall be:

i.  To administer the College in accordance with the Constitution

of the College.

ii. To appoint, confirm, suspend and dismiss the teaching staff of the College for any valid reasons, except the Principal. In case of the Principal it shall only recommend to the Sponsoring Body being the appointing authority.

iii. To determine the salary of the Principal, teaching/non-teaching staff of the College.

iv. To establish and administer the Provident Fund or any other Funds in accordance

with Rules.

v. To raise funds and control the finance of the College and receive the audited statement of all accounts.

vi. To pass the budget of the college, sanction the expenditure, appropriation of heads if necessary, sanction of excess amount of Expenditure of any head if it occurs.

vii. Appoint any sub-committee if necessary.

  1. To frame, amend or delete bye-laws/rules to regulate the conduct of its own business and the administration of the College.
  2. To grant leave other than Casual Leave to the teachers as per prescribed rules and to arrange for filling the vacancy.
  3. To determine the general scheme of studies of the College and to arrange for the inclusion of additional subjects with the approval of the University to which the College is affiliated.

viii. To create new posts for the College.

ix. To consider and initiate projects for the improvement of the College.

x. To frame rules and regulations for proper administration of the College.

Article 8.  Appointment of Staff

  1. All appointments of full-time teaching staff shall be made by proper advertisement and selection by the Selection Committee in conformity with the University and State Government Rules, prescribing the minimum qualifications of staff. The Sponsoring Body as a Minority Religious Institution reserves the right to make appointment without advertisement subject to the minimum qualification prescribed by the University except the post of Principal in which the Sponsoring body will be the appointing authority on the recommendation of the Governing Body.
  2. Vice – Principal by the Governing Body.

iii. Lecturers regular/part-time by the Governing Body.

  1. Non-teaching staff by the Governing Body.

Article 9. Retiring Age– Retiring age of staff in any category shall be as per prescribed rules of University/UGC/State Government.

Article 10. Relationship of the Governing Body of the College with the University/Sponsoring Body/State Government:

The Governing Body shall be responsible to the University/Sponsoring Body/Government for efficient management of the affairs of the College in accordance with the Rules and Regulations prescribed by the aforementioned Authorities from time to time.

Article 11. In the event of dissolution of the College, all properties, movable and immovable, shall be managed and controlled by the Sponsoring Body.

Article 12. Accounting Year: The accounting year will be financial year i.e. April to March.

Article 13. Auditors: Auditors shall be appointed from among the Chartered Accountant.

Article 14. Amendments: Amendments to the Constitution may be made by the Governing Body of the College provided the proposed amendment has been carried by an unanimous vote of not less than half of the members of the Governing Body and subject to the approval by the Sponsoring Body.




(MATTHEW 11: 29)